Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week Two, Post One

In the age of online businesses, it has become more challenging at times to communicate with business. Many companies do not have a simple phone number to call and get help. I don’t think it’s even possible to simply call to discuss a product, ask questions or get help with an order.  A couple of months ago, I had an issue with my Fitbit, which was still under warranty.  I tried to call but wound up on hold, a Facebook message went unanswered.  I found a Twitter handle (another platform I very rarely use) but was shocked to actually get a quick response.  I was able to resolve the entire issue on a series of “tweets”  and got my new Fitbit very quickly.
There are so many new communication devices with companies.  Many businesses have “chat now” boxes where you can chat and message with someone.  Even more interesting is that business are responding to Twitter messages or Facebook message, probably to ensure that their online reputation is preserved. For many companies, posting a comment or concern on their Facebook or Twitter account may result in a much quicker resolution then sending an email.
I don’t share too many reviews but, like many people, I will post a review when something is amazing, or when it’s terrible – one of the extremes.  If I had a business, I would make sure to respond to all comments, positive or negative, as quickly as possible so as to appear to be responsive.  In general, social media has changed how businesses work and how they communicate, and businesses must learn to catch up.


  1. I rarely use Twitter too and did not even realize it was a platform companies use to quickly respond to customers. I also found that many companies are hard to get a hold of via telephone and that chat services and emails accomplish the same thing.

  2. Hi Amy,
    You make a really great point about the challenges the consumer faces when trying to connect directly to a business. I know that I have been in the situation countless times when I have just wanted to speak to a real person and it is nearly impossible. An example being automated messages when you call the business number- I have gotten caught in the endless loop of pressing numbers hoping that eventually I am connected to the operator!
    I also agree with you on reviews, for me to write a review it is usually if I experience the extreme in either direction. Either phenomenal service or absolutely terrible service!

  3. Hello Amy,

    Classy and creative blog! Thank you for sharing about your communication experience. Cool that your issue was resolved through tweets! I am just getting into social media, probably pretty late. So I will have to get used to these new methods of communicating.

    Thanks for mentioning about the chat boxes. I definitely see their value in the speed by which customers can get support. Also, I agree with you about businesses responding fast to their social media. I guess some companies might see more value in paying closer attention to their profiles in contrast to emails or other forms, due to the amount of customers that could be affected by a negative review or issue.

    Great points!

    Thanks, Sam
