Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week1 Post1: My Template 

One of my favorite things to do in the world is to travel.  I love to go new places, see new things, eat different foods and for a short time, live in different cultures.    I certainly cannot travel as much as I would like – work, family and real life get in the way far too often.  But, when I am stuck at home too long, the wanderlust hits me and I start dreaming of my next trip.

It doesn’t have to be anywhere fancy.  Our trip to Europe for our honeymoon was certainly one of my best trips in my life.  But a quick weekend to Laughlin, Nevada, or Phoenix Arizona can certainly be enough to have some adventures and create some amazing memories.  

Creating my blog, I want this space to represent me.  To be a way to showcase my interests and my passion.  What better way to lay out from the get go my passion for traveling, then to create my blog with a travel theme. 


  1. I LOVE the photo background and your wanderlust personality as I too, love to travel. I took an absolute amazing trip to Europe as well and can agree that it was one of the best trips in my life. In addition, I grew up going to Laughlin every Easter and hanging out in house boats on Lake Mead. A tradtion that has been carried throughout my family for many years. Those are by far my favorite memories of my childhood and we still make weekend trips when we find the time. I am very excited to keep up with your blog throughout the semester and visually experience your interests.

  2. The background photo is very cool. I like how it makes you feel like you travel through time. I have not been able to travel as much either specially since I have 3 little ones but I hope to make it a tradition to do at least 1 family trip a year. I am excited to continue reading your blog and find out of your travel adventures.
